Wills & Estates

Power of Attorney for Property and Real Estate

Power of Attorney for Property and Real Estate

As much as we all like to imagine we’ll be physically and mentally capable for the rest of our lives, this isn’t always the case. We’re therefore left with two choices. To ignore this possibility and face the risk that if we’re wrong, our assets and loved ones are at risk. Or, to actively prepare…
What to expect when working with the lawyers of J Murray Law

What to Expect When You Work With J Murray Law

Whether you want to reorganize your business structure or simply buy a house, working with a new legal professional for the first time can be daunting — especially if it’s something you’ve never done before. We never want our clients to feel like they’re taking a massive leap of faith when they sign up for…
A woman receiving help from a professional with her will

5 Reasons to Prepare a Professional Will

Faced with the choice between a DIY will you can pull together for free and a professional will that will set you back a few hundred dollars, the first option can seem more tempting, and it’s better than no will at all. But don’t be so fast — we’ll outline five reasons why preparing a professional…