Wills - FAQs

Welcome to our Wills FAQ page. Here you can find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about our services, including what you need to bring to your first appointment, virtual options, document storage, and pricing.

We are required to verify your photo ID (ie: Driver’s License, Passport). Please make sure it is not expired.

Please also bring your completed Wills Questionnaire.

If you have a Will that was previously prepared by another firm, a separation agreement, marriage contract or a mutual wills agreement, please bring that as well.

We offer you the convenience of taking your instructions virtually but, with some exception, we prefer that the signing appointment be done in the office.

While we appreciate that you may need assistance getting to/from our office, we do need to meet with you alone, or with spouses –only, during the instruction appointment. This is to ensure your confidentiality is being maintained and to facilitate an open communication process.

Typically we retain the original signed Will and at least one original signed Power of Attorney for Property & Personal care. However, we understand that each situation is unique and we can discuss your document retention concerns with you directly during your initial instruction appointment.

Before considering how your Estate is to be divided, it is helpful to have a record of what your assets include. It also allows us to provide the best possible estate planning advice.

That is fine. Our lawyers will go through the questionnaire with you to fill in any gaps and answer any questions.

Please contact us and we would be happy to offer you a quote.